What I Ate Wednesday # 30

What I Ate Wednesday # 30

It’s Wednesday again, so that means I am checking in with what I have been eating lately. Honestly, these days have been pretty blah. I have not been feeling very well. Nothing major just not hungry and my stomach has been a little funny. Anyway, my eating has not been up to par. I am still trying to get all my protein in each day, which has not been easy. Meal # 1 – 7:30 For some reason I was very nauseas this morning and did not feel like eating, but we decided to make Greek Yogurt Waffles. They were delicious....

30 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

30 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are the size of cucumbers. They are about 15.2 to 16.7 inches and weigh about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. Their skin is getting smoother and their brain is continuing to develop. They are also becoming strong enough to grasp a finger. How far along? 30 weeks Weight Gain? 27-28 pounds, I haven’t gained any weight in a few weeks. The babies fluid has gone down and I really can’t fit too much in my belly these days. But both girls were up on the weight at this weeks growth scan, so everything is going well. Workouts? Same as last week. Stretching and...

What I Ate Wednesday # 29

What I Ate Wednesday # 29

Good morning everyone. I can’t believe it is Wednesday already and time to see what I have been eating these days. I have been extremely exhausted and food has been the last thing on my mind. But, I have been very conscience of getting 100 grams of protein in each day, per doctors orders. This month is all about snacking. Here are some of my favorite snacks: Fruit, of any kind. I seriously can eat just about any fruit. Whenever, I want a sweet treat this is my go to snack. Carrots and hummus is another one of my quick and easy...

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