What I Ate Wednesday # 31

What I Ate Wednesday # 31

Good morning everyone. I hope your week is off to a great start. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. We have the girls’ birthday party this weekend. I am so excited to get to celebrate both my girls. I will fill you in on the details as the week progresses. Lately, I have really been eating a mix of things. I am still not very hungry, but I continue to get enough protein. It is tough. Meal # 1 – 7:30 We had Greek Yogurt Waffles again this morning. This is one of our favorites and a great source of...

Isabella is TWO!!

Isabella is TWO!!

Erin over at The Sunny Side Up Blog always writes letters to her children on their birthday and every time I read those wonderful, heartfelt letters I knew I wanted to do them too. So, today I am going to write a letter to my sweet, sweet Isabella. Dear Isabella, I can’t believe you are two today. I feel as though you just came into our lives. You are a sweet little girl. You love to snuggle and you are a happy little girl. You and I have such a special relationship. You love to wear your hair in pigtails,...

31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are the size of coconuts. They weigh about 3 1/3 pounds and are just over 16 inches long. They are heading into a growth spurt (hopefully Baby A will pick up on her weight gain in the next few weeks). They can turn their heads from side to side and they are start to accumulate more fat on their bodies, which will help them regulate their body temperatures. How far along? 31 weeks Weight Gain? 28 pounds. I have hit a plateau on gaining weight for now. Workouts? I have been doing different things to help Baby B get back to head...

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