A Look Back at 2013

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you are having a safe and happy evening. I rung in the new year with one of my favorite girls, McKayla. She woke up minted before midnight and wanted to eat. At first I was a little frustrated, then I began nursing her and realizing I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Being with my girls is right where I want to be for the rest of my life. 2014 is a year for my girls. We have so many wonderful things planned for our family. I can’t wait to experience life with our...

Christmas Recap 2013

Christmas Recap 2013

I can’t believe Christmas has come and gone. It is crazy how much anticipation leads up to Christmas and then how quickly it’s over. It’s pretty much like any other big event. As a mother, I get stressed out about my girls having fun and loving their day. This year was a success. Sophia told us that she wished every day could be Christmas. Now, there were a few moments I wasn’t so sure we were going to succeed in giving Sophia a wonderful Christmas, but somehow we pulled it off. We had quite the busy day. It began at our...

Christmas Survery 2013

Christmas Survery 2013

Merry Christmas Eve I saw this fun survey on Giselle’s blog the other day and thought it was so much fun. Since Christmas is upon us I thought it would be perfect. 25 Question Holiday Survey 1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? This is an easy one. Hot chocolate is definitely my drink of choice. I honestly don’t think I have ever even tried eggnog. 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps our presents. I love watching our girls get so excited to open their gifts. Something about the unwrapping process is so sweet....

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