Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 2

I hope you are have had a wonderful week. I can’t believe Thursday has finally come and gone. I have been counting down the days; Steve is now off until after the New Year. I am so excited have him home with us for the next two weeks; we are going to have some much needed family time. I owe you a post; Thanksgiving 2013. You can read part 1 here. It all started early Thursday morning (Thanksgiving day). Surprisingly, everyone slept amazingly well in the hotel and we weren’t woken up until after 7am!! Whoo hoo. Once, everyone was...

What I Ate Wednesday # 57 – Lately

What I Ate Wednesday # 57 – Lately

Can you believe Christmas is one week from today? Crazy right? I can’t wait to have Steve home for two weeks. We are ready for some much needed family time. Since, it is midweek I am going to join other bloggers for “What I Ate Wednesday”. Thank you Jenn for hosting. Today, I thought I would change things up a little bit, instead of giving you a play-by-play of what I ate yesterday I am going to talk about my favorite foods from this past week. I definitely find it more difficult to eat healthy this time of year. As most of...

Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 1

Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 1

I am sorry it is another late post, but McKenzie and McKayla are both teething right now and life has been quite rough around here. McKenzie is just not a happy camper. Oh my goodness, I have so much to tell you about our trip. I gave you some details on how I made our 4-5 hour car ride more enjoyable with little ones, but I haven’t told you anything about the 3 days. So, here we go. It all started on Wednesday morning when we packed our car and loaded all of us up. That right there is quite...

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