What I Ate Wednesday # 58

What I Ate Wednesday # 58

It feels good to be back into my typical blogging routine. Which means it’s Wednesday so it’s time to talk about food. Snack – 7:30 Today, breakfast happened in two parts. I knew I wanted to get my workout in early. So, when we first came downstairs I quickly made up some pancakes for the girls and I ate a banana (I don’t like working out on a full stomach). Put both babies down for their nap and began my workout. Breakfast – 9:00 After my workout I wasn’t in the mood for pancakes yet. So, I made a peanut...

Feelings + A Preview into My Fitness Plans

Feelings + A Preview into My Fitness Plans

With four daughters our house is filled with a million emotions. The other night after we had put the girls to bed we heard Sophia crying and not just any cry it was full of depth. Something about her cry told me she was in distress. Steve ran upstairs first and in the midst of her sobbing she began to tell him she never wanted to leave Mommy, she never wanted to grow up. As soon as I heard that I ran upstairs to hug her and hold her. I could tell she was truly hurting. Of course I told...

McKenzie and McKayla – 6 Months

McKenzie and McKayla – 6 Months

Oh my our little babies are 6 months old. It feel like just yesterday that we found out we were having twins. At the time I couldn’t imagine our lives with them and now I can’t imagine our lives without them. These past 6 months have been quite the whirlwind. A lot of changes have been going on around here. Sleep: This month we separated McKenzie and McKayla into their own cribs. Once they started rolling over we decided it wasn’t safe to keep them together. This was a nap. I don’t cover them with blankets at night. I would worry...

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