21 Day Fix After the Fix + Favorite Recipes

21 Day Fix After the Fix + Favorite Recipes

As many of you know, I am in my 5th week of 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan and workout program. I love the way I am feeling, but it is also a little taxing following the meal plan each and everyday. Therefore, I decided that I am going to follow my 1,500-1,800 plan Monday through Friday then bump up to the 1,800-2,200 plan on the weekends. Basically that would give me an extra green (veggie), red (protein), yellow (carb), and tsp (nut butters and oils). I think this will allow me a little chocolate, popcorn, crackers, etc. Since, focusing...

This Too Shall Pass

The last 20 months have not been easy. Bringing two babies into this world at one time is emotionally draining, but equally amazing. However, this past weekend things have started to really come together. To be honest with you there were many moments that I never thought this day would come. Over the past 20 months there have been many tears, both from McKenzie and McKayla as well as myself. One thing I have learned since having our twins is that life is not supposed to be easy. Life is supposed to test us and change us. Life is supposed to...

MIMM # 95 – Photo Dump

MIMM # 95 – Photo Dump

Wow!! It’s Monday, what a weekend we had. It was one of our best since the twins were born. Yes, we had a rough 20 months, but things are finally coming together. The sun is coming out both in our home and outside of our home. Spring is here and we are entering a new season for our family. I can’t even express to you how excited I am for the summer. The highlights of our weekend: Building a snowman with my girls. It was finally warm enough to get this mama outside. But I have realized over these past...

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