Thinking Out Loud # 46 – A Day Late # 3

Thinking Out Loud # 46 – A Day Late # 3

1. Last night was my once a month bunco night, so I got home late and just didn’t have the energy to sit down and write. I’m sorry. I love my once a month night out with the ladies. It really refreshes me and I feel ready to take on mommy hood again. 2. Isabella took her first selfie with McKenzie and McKayla and I caught it on camera. Oh my, it’s already started. #houseofgirls #daddywatchout 3. It’s starting to look a little bit like spring. I can’t wait to take the girls to the playground, color with chalk, play in...

21 Day Fix Extreme – Round 1 Review

These past 21 days were AMAZING!! I truly cannot express enough to you how much I love this program. I loved it so much I decided to go right into three more weeks, then I will take a week break and do another round. Ideally, I think I would like to alternate this program with PIYO (but I don’t want to spend the money on more workout DVD’s right now). The PIYO program uses only body weight; no weights, no jumps, so I think this would be a perfect complement to the 21 day fix extreme program. Give me a few months and I am...

MIMM # 93 – The Love of a Sister

MIMM # 93 – The Love of a Sister

This weekend was another great family weekend. As I watched my girls together I realized even more then before how blessed they truly are to have each other. The love between sisters is a love like no other. As, Sophia, Isabella and myself were driving to Costco yesterday, our car was filled with lots and lots of giggles. Their happiness always melts my heart; these are the moments when that prove just how wonderful it is to have a sister. Sophia, Isabella, McKayla, and McKenzie will always have each other and that is a beautiful gift. This weekend we had Sophia’s school fair. Seeing...

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