WIAW # 101 – Protein Crepes

WIAW # 101 – Protein Crepes

Happy Wednesday everyone. I haven’t done a What I Ate Wednesday in a few weeks so I thought it was time. Today, I give you a sneak peek at my new recipe and I am already obsessed. (I will post the recipe ASAP). {Linking up for WIAW) Breakfast 6:30am I have been craving crepes like crazy these past few weeks, so I decided to come up with a  low calorie, high protein option and they didn’t disappoint. These protein crepes are quick and easy. (223 calories, 21 grams of protein and 13.1 grams of carbs) Snack 8:15am I grabbed a...

MIMM # 96 – A Weekend of Princesses

MIMM # 96 – A Weekend of Princesses

Hello, hello I can’t believe we are half way through March. Summer is going to be here before we know it and I am so excited. Our weekend here was beautiful and we were able to get outside with all our girls; I loved every second of it!! Our weekend began early,  Sophia having no school on Friday, so her and Isabella spent the day with Mimi and Papa at Frozen on Ice followed by lunch at Culvers. What a perfect day. We don’t know what we would do without our Mimi and Papa. Saturday was another fun day. My...

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