WIAW # 114 – 21 Day Fix Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

WIAW # 114 – 21 Day Fix Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

Wow, Wednesday has come and gone. I can’t believe this week is almost over. But, I still have so much to get ready to leave. I can’t believe I am going away for 2 days, might not sound like much for me it’s A LOT. Not only do I have to pack, but I have to get everything ready at home. Daddy has to get Sophia on the bus and Isabella to school, that’s my biggest worry. I don’t want my trip away to affect my girls in a negative way. I am excited for them to have time with their daddy,...

Weekly Workouts # 6

Weekly Workouts # 6

Good evening everyone. Wow, what a day we had. Isabella and I went on a field trip to the apple orchard and it was so much fun. I love being able to spend one-on-one time with my Isabella; she is just too sweet for words. My poor Isabella’s field trip didn’t start out as expected; within the first 5 minutes on the bus she was throwing up. But, it didn’t phase our Isabella, she was asleep several minutes after getting sick. My sweet girl. Last Weeks Workouts: This week I stuck with mostly blogilates, but I also added in some...

MIMM # 125 – A Lovely Lizard and More

MIMM # 125 – A Lovely Lizard and More

I know I say this time and time again, but Mondays are exhausting. I feel like I always have so much to catch up on. See on the weekends I really try to just relax with my family, but that means I have a lot to do come Monday. Monday evenings are also very busy for us, but that’s okay being busy means we are living life. Right?! At least that’s what I tell myself. Ha!! Our weekend started off with a wonderful girls night. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun I have with my girls. But before...

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