Thinking Out Loud # 74

Thinking Out Loud # 74

{Today, I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud} Our poor McKenzie got a fat lip yesterday and surprisingly enough it wasn’t given to her by her sis. She fell on the scooter. These pictures don’t really do it justice. My poor baby has quite the fat little lip and boy does your mouth bleed A LOT! Good thing this was my 4th baby, if it was my 1st I definitely wouldn’t have been as calm. My how much calmer we get the more children we have. I am loving my Isabella time while McKenzie and McKayla nap. It really is the best....

Weekly Workouts # 5

Last Weeks Workouts: This week I did a different combination of Cassey Ho’s youtube videos. I love that she has a variety of cardio and strength workouts to help me achieve the results I am looking for and to prevent boredom. Monday  10-5-15: 8 min at home cardio, 1000 squats, 3 minute lower abs, flat abs in 3 min Tuesday  10-6-15: Quick cardio warm up, 3 minute toned arms, sleek tank top arms, toned arms & sculpted back, how to grow taller, victoria secret angel arms Wednesday 10-7-15: Flat stomach fat melt, 3 min sleek & slim legs, 8 min bikini...

MIMM # 124

MIMM # 124

Our weekend was beautiful, weather and all. I truly love the ages of our girls. I love that we can go on family outings easily. Our first Halloween party of the season was this weekend and we all had so much fun. The games, crafts, and swing set made for 4 happy girls. They couldn’t have had a better time. I must admit the babies were a little clingier then I would have liked, but what am I going to do about it. These two could have spent all day on the swings and pretty much did. Whenever our girls get to...

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