Friday Favorites # 13

Friday Favorites # 13

You know you are getting old when your two favorite things right now are your new minivan and vacuum. AHHHH!! I never in a million years thought I would be driving a minivan (you can read all about purchasing our first minivan here). NEVER!! You can ask my hubby, mom, sister, etc. But one day 3 years ago it happened and we’ve never looked back. Okay, maybe a few times, but not many. No, really right now in our lives the ease of a minivan couldn’t be replaced. I NEED the sliding doors, they truly make my live SO much easier....

Thinking Out Loud # 77

Thinking Out Loud # 77

{Linking up with Amanda – Thursdays are for Thinking Out Loud} I’m going to start by telling you this post is truly all over the place. It is an authentic Thinking Out Loud post and my mind is all over the place these days, but life is good. McKenzie and McKayla may or may not have gone to Isabella’s dance in their jammies from Mimi and Papa. Hey it was a cold and rainy day. What am I to do? My back is feeling amazing this week, so I have been back to my normal workout routine. I will share...

Easy Skillet Breaded Chicken

Easy Skillet Breaded Chicken

You can simply cook this chicken in a skillet or baked in the oven. Either way it’s delicious. My girls prefer it in the oven, Steve loves it in the skillet and I can go either way. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon + more for dipping olive oil 6 tablespoons Italian herb bread crumbs 3 tablespoons panko bread crumbs 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese chicken breasts or tenderloins (I cut up some into nugget size for the girls and I use tenderloins for Steve and I.) (If you are using chicken breast make sure to pound it thin, otherwise the breading will burn...

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