Thinking Out Loud # 78

Thinking Out Loud # 78

Tuesday was hat day at Isabella’s school; everyone had to get in on it. I suggested Isabella’s Tinkerbell hat (that actually fits her), but she insisted on wearing her hat from Papa (my girls just love their Papa) and I must admit she looked adorable. They love their Mimi too. Lately, I’ve been killing it in the workout department and loving it; muscle soreness is the best. I love that my workouts are never boring; they have the perfect mix of Pilates, weights, and HIIT. I have been combining Pop Pilates videos with Bodyrock ones; this combo is AMAZING. Oh and we can’t...

Nut Free Paleo Granola Crunch

I have finally perfected my paleo granola recipe and it is AMAZING. We can’t get enough of it. Seriously, McKayla and I could munch on it all day long. We just finished our batch yesterday; I really need to make some more ASAP!!   Ingredients: 3/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds 3/4 cup raw sunflower seeds 1 1/2 cups almond meal/flour 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1/3-1/2 cup honey (depends on how sweet you like it) 3 tablespoons pure vanilla extract 2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted) Directions: Preheat oven 325 degrees. Combine the dry ingredients...

MIMM # 129

MIMM # 129

Oh Monday, your back and I have so much to do, but instead of getting it all done I am snuggling and playing with my Isabella while the babies nap. One thing I have learned is don’t let your to-do list get too long; set simple goals. So, on Monday’s I only plan to get the overload of laundry folded and put away. On the weekends I will throw in a load or two, but I don’t typically fold or put anything away; which means I have a lot to make up for come Monday. My goal on Monday’s is simply the...

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