MIMM # 128

MIMM # 128

Hello, Hello I can’t believe it’s Monday has come and gone already. We had such a wonderful weekend. Steve and I had a great time at the football game, dinner, relaxing and simply enjoying time just the two of us. The girls had a blast at Mimi and Papa’s house. I heard all about riding in their new golf cart, playing in the leaves, eating baked French toast, and so much more. Mimi and Papa just bought a golf cart and our girls couldn’t be more excited; it’s their new toy. Haha!! And oh how Sophia has been wanting to play in the leaves forever, but we don’t have enough...

Thinking Out Loud # 76 – A Day Late

Thinking Out Loud # 76 – A Day Late

I finally took pictures of our pumpkins, but this warm weather has really taken it’s toll on our pretty pumpkins. I can’t even tell you how AMAZING our weather has been here in Michigan; it seriously feels like summer in November and we have taken full advantage of it. Well, not today we’re back in the 50s and it’s chilly, but it was fun while it lasted. Isabella and I had our dentist appointments yesterday and she was such a pro. Isabella went into her exam room and I went into mine, she was so grown up and had so much fun. So,...

WIAW # 116

WIAW # 116

Today, was the first day in quite awhile I woke up at 5am to workout and it felt great. (I’ve been GETTING woken up at 5am by my little loves, lately so I haven’t been getting up to workout.). Yes at first when my alarm went off I did NOT want to get out of my cozy bed, but after my workout was complete I was glad I had my “me” time before the chaos began. Breakfast After my workout I had egg whites with sweet potatoes. Oh how I love this breakfast; it’s so filling and satisfying. Lunch After getting...

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