MIMM # 131 – Thanksgiving 2015

MIMM # 131 – Thanksgiving 2015

Oh where do I begin?! First, can you believe December starts tomorrow? Oh my!! I truly love this time of year, but man is it busy? Not only am I getting ready for our Christmas, but I am also  in the midst of planning Sophia’s class party. Yes, I’m at it again. Luckily, there are three of us moms and we work well together. It’s actually pretty fun just time consuming. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sorry I didn’t get to chat with all of you very much, but we were busy traveling to Niagara Falls,...

MIMM # 130 – Christmas Tree Adventure

MIMM # 130 – Christmas Tree Adventure

Hello, Hello I can’t believe this is the last week of November and Thanksgiving is in a few days. Really?! Where did this year go? I must day this really is one of my favorite times of the year. Besides the freezing cold temperatures I love it. Saturday, we woke up to see our first snow fall of the season and our girls were so excited. I am not a huge cold weather fan, but I must say the snow is lovely and seeing our girls’ excitement makes me love it so much more. I can’t even begin to tell you...

Weekly Workouts # 7

Weekly Workouts # 7

Happy Friday everyone. We are so excited for the weekend over here. Our weekend is going to be filled with finding a Christmas tree, football watching, decorating, and lots of family time. Today, I thought I would get back to sharing my weekly workouts with all of you. I’m not sure why, but somehow I got away from these post, I’m sorry. I am still loving my Blogilates workouts along with at least one bodyrock HIIT routine each day. Trust me, HIIT workouts become addicting. Whenever I do these workouts or any workouts for that matter I add in a weight to give...

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