Snow Day, Cookies, and Lots of Snuggles

Snow Day, Cookies, and Lots of Snuggles

I have to say getting back into the routine hasn’t been easy. I am missing our morning snuggles, pajama days, sleepovers, and simply spending everyday, all day with all my girls. I CANNOT wait for summer. Let the countdown begin. At least we ended our break with a great family weekend. It was filled with homemade cookies, a sleepover at Mimi and Papa’s, and a fun in the snow. Who would have thought a snow day in the middle of April? Since, Mimi and Papa are both out of town, we get the privilege to have Nico for a few days and our...

Good-bye to Our Pacifiers

Good-bye to Our Pacifiers

My babies keep growing up and I am not ready. No more diapers, no more pacis, next no more cribs. Oh my!! I can’t do it. I have been very emotional lately. This mama is not ready  for all my girls to grow up. I am not ready to be out of the baby stage. This weekend we finally dropped the pacifiers. I am not sure it is going to stick, we will see how strong I am. In this picture you can see McKenzie’s Wubbanub (I cut the top off the pacifier part off a week ago, this way...

MIMM # 146

MIMM # 146

{Katie – Marvelous in My Monday} We had such a nice and relaxing weekend. Which is exactly what we needed after our busy Easter. Friday was a half day for Sophia so we spent the afternoon crafting and playing outside. I must say it was a little too chilly for me, but the cold never seems to bother my girls. Where did spring go? It’s freezing and I don’t like it. Friday, was a great day, but it took everything out of me for some reason. However, we ended up having a great day, this mama toughed it out for...

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