12 Weeks and Feeling Good | Identical Twins

12 Weeks and Feeling Good | Identical Twins

12 Weeks! I decided I couldn’t wait for Steve to take the picture. So, here is my belly picture! I am so excited to be taking weekly pictures this time around because I never did with the girls. 🙂 I can’t believe I am finally 12 weeks it has been such a long, hard road getting here. Babies are the size of plums. They are about 2.1 inches and .49 ounces. They have pretty much developed all their parts now their main job is to keep on growing. I still can’t believe there are two babies growing inside me. I...

Double the Fun

Double the Fun

I am sorry I have been distant lately, but I have been keeping a huge secret from you. And it has been very difficult. I have had such a hard time writing posts without telling you. We are having TWINS! Yes, you read that right I said we are having twins, two babies. Oh my, I can’t believe I am actually telling all of you. We are going from a family or 4 to 6. WOW! Good thing we leased a minivan. 🙂 That was a huge step in our lives; you can read all about that here. Okay, let’s...

What I Ate Wednesday #11 – Peanut Butter Protein Shake

What I Ate Wednesday #11 – Peanut Butter Protein Shake

By now you are realizing I like to eat the same thing for breakfast on most days. What can I say I like my routines? Keeps it easy in the kitchen, less thinking. Mike Karpenko the creator of Tapout XT was on The Dr. Oz Show and he said one of the best things you can do to lose weight or keep a steady weight is eat the same thing for breakfast everyday. He said do this until you get bored then change it up to something else. Which to me this makes sense, I have always been a girl...

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