12 Weeks and Feeling Good | Identical Twins

12 Weeks and Feeling Good | Identical Twins

12 Weeks!

I decided I couldn’t wait for Steve to take the picture. So, here is my belly picture! I am so excited to be taking weekly pictures this time around because I never did with the girls. 🙂

12 Weeks with Twins
12 Weeks with Twins

I can’t believe I am finally 12 weeks it has been such a long, hard road getting here.

Babies are the size of plums. They are about 2.1 inches and .49 ounces. They have pretty much developed all their parts now their main job is to keep on growing. I still can’t believe there are two babies growing inside me. I am not sure I am ever going to fulling comprehend this until they are here.

How far along? 12 weeks

Maternity Clothes? Not really, some days I wear my maternity leggings because they are so comfy. But, I am wearing my regular jeans as I write this.

Weight Gain? 1-2 pounds. I have been really sick so this is good news. 🙂

Workouts? None, this week. I still haven’t been feeling that great, but I am hoping to start doing some prenatal yoga and pilates videos this week.

Symptoms? Exhaustion and mild sickness.

Stretch Marks? None yet. I am hoping to keep it that way, I never got any with my girls, but this twin pregnancy thing is all new to me. 🙂

Sleep? Not really well. Even though I more tired than I have ever been. I have had so much on my mind I have a hard time falling asleep and I usually wake up for a couple hours in the middle of the night. It is so frustrating.

Movement? Not yet, but I have read that with twins I will feel it sooner. I can’t wait. 🙂

Genders? We will be finding out at 18 weeks. We are so excited. We will also find out their twin type. At the last two ultrasounds they couldn’t tell. It looks like one sac, but my doctor said that sometimes it’s hard to tell early on. We are really hoping for two sacs (not as high risk).

What I miss: Intense exercise. Wanting to eat. Wanting to cook. Not being exhausted all the time. How about just plain feeling good. 🙂

Food cravings? Not much. Actually, the other day I craved an egg bagel sandwich, oh and potato chips (which is weird because I don’t usually eat those). 🙂 And whenever I am pregnant I always miss a cold turkey sandwich from subway.

Food aversions? Chicken and anything with a strong smell. Sometimes I don’t know how much I hate it until I smell it. Things are slowly getting better though.

Labor signs? None, I am hoping I don’t feel these for a long time. I want to keep these babies in there as long as possible.

Belly button in or out? In and I don’t remember when my belly button popped out with the girls.

What I am looking forward to this week? A night out with my hubby. The girls are spending the night at my parents house on Saturday and we are going out to dinner.

Milestones? Starting to feel better now that we are at 12 weeks.

Things I wish people knew: We know how blessed we are to be expecting twins and we are so excited. However, being overwhelmed and scared at first doesn’t mean we aren’t over the moon about our two new additions. We are just so worried about our children having the best lives possible and we want to be the best parents we can be to all of our children.

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