What I Ate Wednesday #12

I have to be honest with all of you, I was not very good today at remembering to take pictures of what I ate yesterday. Breakfast – 7:30 Greek Yogurt Waffle – I know pretty typical. Snack – 9:30 Lunch – 12:00 Turkey Pita – I took about 3 ounces of Boars Head roasted turkey and heated it in a skillet, then I add it to a pita with lettuce. It was simply and delicious. I had a side of fruit with it, Isabella always manages to eat most of it. Snack – 3:30 Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly Sandwich with...

Total Body Workout (Prenatal Adaptations if Needed)

Good morning everyone. I am still not permitted to workout. 🙁  But I went through YouTube and found a great total body workout. I have added some ways you can change these workouts to fit into your prenatal exercise program if you are pregnant. I have an appointment with my doctor next Monday, I will be asking her about what I can start to do some pilates or yoga. Tips for when you are working out while pregnant: If you are pregnant remember don’t over exert yourself. Listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel good don’t do it. Whenever I workout when pregnant...

How Much Us Mom’s Would Make if We Got Paid

I just wanted to quickly show all of you this great article. It talks about how much we as moms would make if you put a price on everything we do. One of my favorite parts about this article is that is talks about how hard both working moms and stay at home moms work everyday. I truly hate articles that try to divide us, I think we all work hard in different ways and we should support each other. With that said, check on this great article. We work hard and at least someone is taking notice. 🙂 So remember to...

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