What I Ate Wednesday # 22

What I Ate Wednesday # 22

Please continue praying for our world. The tragedy that took place in Boston is something that affects us all. I am beyond sad to hear of all the pain suffering taking place by innocent people. I have been holding my girls a little tighter. Please hold your love ones and pray for peace everlasting. Today, I decided to do something a little different. Instead, of labeling breakfast, lunch and dinner, I labeled today’s food by meals 1, 2, etc. As I was writing this post I realized I don’t simply eat 3 meals a day, I eat way more often. I have always...

My Heart is Saddened

When I saw I the news of tragedy that happened at the Boston Marathon my heart sank. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have been there when this occurred. All I can do is pray for the good people in the world. There were many hero’s there yesterday and shows us that there is good people in the world. I can pray that good overcomes evil. I truly cannot even fathom the fact that there are people in the world that would do purposely hurt innocent people. As I write this post I am more and more saddened by the...

MIMM # 3 + Cheesy Potatoes

MIMM # 3 + Cheesy Potatoes

Happy Monday everyone. We had a wonderful weekend. Nice and relaxing; just as the doctor ordered. 🙂 It is a good thing the weather has not been nice or resting would be a lot more difficult. Thank you Katie at Healthy Dive Life for hosting Marvelous in My Monday. I love looking back at marvelous happenings in my life. Our weekend began with a relaxing Saturday morning. My parents offered to take the girls to swim class so Steve and I could have a relaxing morning. Trust me they love to do it. Of course, the one weekend neither Steve nor I...

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