Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone. I can’t believe it is already Memorial day weekend. Summer is upon us, however it doesn’t feel like it here. Today the high is only 62 degrees and we actually had to turn our heat on last night. What a bummer after a few weeks of beautiful weather. But, I truly think this is all in God’s plan. We really needed to slow down and this has forced us to do so. I thought I would try something new today. Melissa over at Fit n’ Well Mommy hosts a link up called Friday Favorites. I thought I...

28 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

28 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are the size of eggplants. They are about 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and weigh about 1.5 pounds to 2.2 pounds. Baby A falls right into those numbers. Baby B is well ahead of those numbers. The doctors are very happy with where they are at. They are putting more fat on their little bodies this week. Their lungs are maturing by the day. Finally, a week in which there is a picture of twin in utero. These are fraternal twins, but at least we get a glimpse of two babies. How far along? 28 weeks Weight Gain? 28 pounds; right...

What I Ate Wednesday # 27

What I Ate Wednesday # 27

We got our rainy day. This means lots of cuddles on the couch. I cannot wait. My girls and I really need some down time, so this perfect. We have been go, go, going for days. I cannot believe it is Wednesday already. I feel like this week has just begun. I hope these next few weeks go just as quickly, I am beyond ready to meet our healthy little twins. Hopefully, we still have another month. They are not ready to come into the world just yet. Lately, I have not been very hungry. I think these babies are taking up...

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