What I Ate Wednesday # 56 – Short and Sweet

What I Ate Wednesday # 56 – Short and Sweet

I’m sorry this is such a late post, but we had another busy day. This time of year just seems to get busier and busier as the girls get older. McKenzie and McKayla have also not been sleeping very well these last few nights, so basically I have been exhausted. Since, it is Wednesday I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday, but for today I am keeping is short and sweet. Breakfast – 7:30 Greek Yogurt Waffles Snack – 11:00 I was so excited, yesterday, I got to workout for the first time since my hernia surgery....

McKenzie and McKayla – 5 Months Old

McKenzie and McKayla – 5 Months Old

Okay, I can’t believe I just wrote 5 months. It is crazy to think they are already 5 months old. I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out we were having twins. Actually it was just about a year go I found out I was pregnant, but I never thought I had two babies in there. 🙂 This past month things have definitely started to get easier (I hate using the word easy when it comes to twins, but that is the truth). McKenzie and McKayla are sleeping better at night and they are starting to become happier...

What I Ate Wednesday # 55

What I Ate Wednesday # 55

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful week. We are enjoying being home. It is always so much fun to go on trips, but it is nice to be home. Our week has been rough, for some reason McKenzie and McKayla have had a couple bad nights of sleep. Actually, only McKenzie has not been doing well. I don’t think she is sleeping well, between teething and this cold she isn’t very happy these days. Unhappy babies make for a tired and irritable Mommy. Just last week I was beginning to think how wonderful things were starting to become,...

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