Random Friday

Random Friday

1. Since, I missed Thinking Out Loud Thursday I thought today would be a random Friday. I wanted to post yesterday because I just have so much to tell you. Last night was our neighborhood bunco night and by the time I got home I simply wanted to climb in bed. 2. I keep thinking things are going to slow down around here, but guess what? I don’t think they are ever going to slow down and you know what? That’s okay. I realized that as exhausting as our lives are this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I am right where I...

21 Day Fix – Yay or Nay?

We canceled my gym membership a few months ago because I wasn’t using it and we were wasting money. I love my Blogilates and Bodyrock videos, but I need a change. I feel as though I am in a workout and nutrition rut. I am ready to change it up and take my body to the next level. I want to add more definition and muscle tone. I have been going back and forth about whether I wanted to purchase a new workout program or not. If so which one? Since, there are so many wonderful free at home workouts it’s hard...

MIMM # 84

MIMM # 84

So, this is going to be short and sweet. My uploading of pictures did not go quite as planned and I am one tired mama. Since, it’s Monday I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday. A few of my favorite pictures from Mimi and Papa’s on New Year’s Day. The girls love to play in their lower level and we love that it tires them out. Sophia reading to McKenzie; the picture speaks for itself. One of my favorite moments over the weekend was my triumph over taking all four girls to Trader Joe’s. Yes, I...

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