MIMM # 84

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MIMM # 84

So, this is going to be short and sweet. My uploading of pictures did not go quite as planned and I am one tired mama. Since, it’s Monday I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday.

MiMM - logo

A few of my favorite pictures from Mimi and Papa’s on New Year’s Day. The girls love to play in their lower level and we love that it tires them out.

mimm - mckayla mckenzie car mimm - mckayla mckenzie car 2

Sophia reading to McKenzie; the picture speaks for itself.

think - mckenzie sophia reading

One of my favorite moments over the weekend was my triumph over taking all four girls to Trader Joe’s. Yes, I did this all by myself and it was a success. I wore McKayla in the Boba carrier, McKenzie sat in the cart, and Sophia and Isabella pushed their own small carts (the girls favorite thing about shopping at Trader Joe’s); oh my it was quite the site. I am so mad I didn’t get a picture of our parade. 🙂 It really felt great to go shopping with all my girls.

After we left Trader Joe’s I dropped Sophia off at Daddy’s office. He was only going to work a few more hours and she really wanted to spend the day with her daddy. After working for a couple hours he took her to lunch and the mall. I love Daddy Daughter dates!!

We then enjoyed a nice quiet Saturday and Sunday.

The Hugs:

mimm - sophia isabella hugging 2 mimm - sophia hugging twins jan 15 mimm - mckenzie mckayla hugging jan 15

Mckayla’s New Sleeping Position:

mimm - mckaylas new sleeping postions

And I couldn’t forget about McKenzie:

mimm - mckenzie sleeping 18 months

This is what McKayla and McKenzie do while Mommy is cleaning a different part of the house:

mimm - mckenzie mckayla books

Oh and the Popcorn (when you want toddlers to sit give them popcorn):

mimm - twins popcorn mimm - twins popcorn 1

It’s the little things that make life so wonderful!!

Today, was our first day back to reality after a couple weeks off. Sophia was so excited to go back to school. She kept telling me she missed her bus driver and teachers. Awe, I that my sweet girl loves schools so much.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me all about the marvelous things in your life.

One comment on “MIMM # 84

  1. Love the picture of Sophia reading to McKenzie. Just gorgeous x


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