Thinking Out Loud # 39

Thinking Out Loud # 39

1. Sophia asked Isabella a few weeks ago to start calling her Sophia and not sissy. I must say at first that made me a little sad, but boy is it cute hearing Isabella say “Sophia”. And besides it’s better this way; McKenzie and McKayla call each other sis (which is beyond adorable; I can’t take it). 2. I can’t believe another year has come and gone. As much as I want time to slow down and my girls to stop growing up so fast I am ready to start a new year with our beautiful family of six. 3. I...

WIAW # 93 + Nutrition Goals for 2015

WIAW # 93 + Nutrition Goals for 2015

Since, it’s New Year’s Eve this is going to be short and sweet. We are heading out to my parents for the night. This tradition started last year and we loved it. We spend New Years Eve with my parents, brother and his fiancé, my sister and hopefully her husband can join us after work. We all spend the night; it’s so much simply hanging out with everyone. Breakfast After finishing my workout I got dressed, then my girls woke up, got dressed and we had breakfast. I had one Greek yogurt waffle with one pumpkin pancake. I couldn’t decide what I...

Best of 2014

Best of 2014

Hi Everyone, Since, we are coming to the end of another year I thought we would look back at some of my most popular posts from 2014. My number one most viewed post this year was 13 months post twins. This was not an easy post to write. I was very worried about putting myself out there in such a vulnerable way. I was nervous about all the criticism I would get from various people. I decided to forget about everyone else. I worked hard and I wanted to show you what is possible if you put the work in....

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