WIAW # 100 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

WIAW # 100 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

Before I share a typical day on the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan I wanted to thank all of you for your kind words about yesterdays post. I am so grateful to have all of your support and kindness throughout my journey as a mom. You are truly amazing!! This is my third and final week in my first round of the 21 Day Fix Extreme program and as I have said before I am loving it. I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful I have been feeling and how much my body is already changing. Yes, in...

Rough Days Happen to All of Us

I will tell you most days I am just try to stay afloat. I am simply trying to keep it all together, to not lose it again and again. I am trying to do the best I can. This has been exceptionally difficult these several days because it has been freezing. We are ready for spring. We need to be able to venture outside, walk to the playground, write with chalk, run around in the sun and simply get out of the HOUSE! Today was a tough day. It was a tough night. McKenzie and McKayla were not on their best...

MIMM # 92

MIMM # 92

What a marvelous weekend we had. I feel rested and ready to take on our week. Today, was another snow day (too cold). It’s crazy Sophia cannot wait to go back to school and I am ready for a change and to get back into our normal routine. This weekend began with a nice and relaxing Saturday morning followed by taking the girls to spend the night at Mimi and Papa’s house. Oatmeal picnic! Doesn’t everyone just hang out on boxes? Steve and I enjoyed a night out with wonderful friends. Our evening couldn’t have been better. It began with appetizers and wine at...

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