MIMM # 102

MIMM # 102

{Linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} What a weekend we had, Steve has been in Vegas since Friday and comes home tonight. Boy have we missed Daddy. Spending the night at Mimi and Papa’s house is marvelous. It is so nice being able to decide last minute to sleep at my parents house, they always have our beds/cribs ready to go. Friday night the girls and I had a sleepover there and say Sophia told me that she liked it better without me. Ugh!! That little stinker. Silly Girls – Their big sisters were doing this, so of...

Thinking Out Loud # 53

Thinking Out Loud # 53

1. As I told you earlier this week I got my eyebrows done and they are perfect, seriously perfect. My friend just opened a Makeup and Brow Studio less then 5 minutes from our house. It is perfect and she is amazing. Brows can really change the way your face looks and it has made my eyes look so much more open. 2. McKenzie is really becoming a goofball. She loves making people laugh. These two are too cute. 3. When we were at the store on Sunday I saw these pink guest napkins and just had to get them for our...

WIAW # 103 – Wildtree Fajitas

WIAW # 103 – Wildtree Fajitas

As usual, I can’t believe it is Wednesday already. It’s another cold week here and I am miserable. Yes, I cannot stand the cold, but I live in Michigan; not a great combo. My meals today were pretty much just like any other day, except for dinner. As most of you know I attended my first Wildtree party last week and we are enjoying all the quick and healthy meals. Breakfast I wasn’t sure what I was in the mode for so I had one Greek yogurt waffle and a few pumpkin protein pancakes (1 serving). Snack I had a...

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