MIMM # 101 – An Amazing Family Weekend

MIMM # 101 – An Amazing Family Weekend

{Linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} Where do I begin. We had such a perfect family weekend. We didn’t have any plans, except I got my eyebrows done Saturday morning (I have been doing them about every 3 weeks and they are perfect, I will tell you more about that on Thursday.) Our weekend began Friday after school when we spent hours outside playing in the warm weather. Followed by our first Wildtree dinner. I made the Lemon Rosemary Pork Roast Chicken (Steve is not a pork person, so I changed this meal to chicken and it was perfect)....

Thinking Out Loud # 52

{Linking up with Amanda, Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} 1. I love feeling sore. 🙂 I took Tuesday off, but I was feeling pretty good yesterday and today so I did some upper and lower body Blogilates videos and boy do they have me feeling sore. Best. Feeling. Ever. 2. We have another nice and relaxing weekend; I can’t wait!! We literally have nothing planned except Sunday school and church. The best part is our weather here looks AMAZING; okay at least Friday and Saturday are perfect, but hey what do you expect? 3. Our first week back to...

MIMM # 100

MIMM # 100

Wow! I can’t believe this is my 100th Marvelous in My Monday post. It’s crazy to think I have been blogging for as long as I have. When I started Fit For Motherhood I didn’t have a clue what I was doing and quite honestly I still don’t. Haha!! I simply love connecting with all of you and sharing the ups and downs of motherhood. I love sharing my health and fitness journey with you, which is not perfect, but it’s all me. I am still a work in progress. Since, it’s Monday I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in...

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