Thinking Out Loud # 66

Thinking Out Loud # 66

{I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud} 1. I have been having some rough days lately. I haven’t felt very good about myself in so many ways. I just feel like I’m simply going through the motions as a mom, wife, and homemaker. I feel as though I am failing at my pursuit for the “perfect” body (I haven’t figured out what that is yet, but apparently nothing is good enough for me. I work so hard, but just can’t get to where I want to go.). That is an entirely didn’t post, for an entirely different time. 2. Sophia asked me if...

MIMM # 115

MIMM # 115

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} We had such a wonderful weekend, but I was more then ready to slow it down and get back to our typical routine and that’s just what we did today. Since, it was a rainy day we didn’t go anywhere and it was the perfect Monday. Our weekend began with a beautiful wedding on Belle Isle in Detroit. We live about 45 minutes from Detroit, so I have never been there, but it was absolutely beautiful. The best part is I got to spend the evening with my favorite man. Date...

Thinking Out Loud # 65

Thinking Out Loud # 65

1. Last weekend we took Isabella’s rails off her bed. Of course, Sophia decided she should place a long pillow next to Isabella’s bed just in case she falls out. She didn’t want her sis to get hurt. Well, the other night Isabella fell out of bed; she is the sweetest faller ever. Seriously, I found her sitting on the floor confused. I simply picked her up hugged her and placed her back in her bed. She fell asleep instantly. Last night Daddy asked Isabella if it hurt when she fell out of bed? Isabella said, “No I was asleep when I fell. I...

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