MIMM # 114 – Celebrating McKayla and McKenzie

MIMM # 114 – Celebrating McKayla and McKenzie

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} This weekend we had a little party to celebrate our babies and it was so much fun. The party was at Mimi and Papa’s house and it was pretty perfect. Sophia, Isabella and I got there early to help set up. Mimi had the girls help plant flowers while I hung up a few decorations. Once McKenzie and McKayla woke up from their nap they joined us for all the fun. Nana made the cake and it couldn’t have been better. Nana’s cakes are the best. I love watching the...

Vail, CO – The Wedding

Vail, CO – The Wedding

The day of Uncle Fran and Aunt Sarah’s wedding finally arrived and it was beyond gorgeous. Everything from the setting to the outfits were perfect. The day couldn’t have gone any better. I am so happy for the two of them; they make an absolutely amazing couple. Our day began at 10am with hair, makeup and lots of girl time. Of course, the guys day didn’t start until 2pm; man do they have it easy. However, I must say I love all the girl stuff and I wouldn’t change it for the world. We love all the glitz and glamour. I can’t...

WIAW # 109 – Perfectly Unplanned

WIAW # 109 – Perfectly Unplanned

Wow, what a busy day. The girls enjoyed the day at home with Mimi while I ran a ton of errands. I haven’t had a day out by myself in more then a month and let me tell you I can get A LOT done when I am on my own. My morning was a little different than usual for a couple reasons, first I only had McKenzie and McKayla (Sophia and Isabella spent the night at Mimi and Papa’s house. It was a fun surprise. My mom called Monday and asked to have the girls spend the night and...

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