Thinking Out Loud # 65

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Thinking Out Loud # 65

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1. Last weekend we took Isabella’s rails off her bed. Of course, Sophia decided she should place a long pillow next to Isabella’s bed just in case she falls out. She didn’t want her sis to get hurt. Well, the other night Isabella fell out of bed; she is the sweetest faller ever. Seriously, I found her sitting on the floor confused. I simply picked her up hugged her and placed her back in her bed. She fell asleep instantly. Last night Daddy asked Isabella if it hurt when she fell out of bed? Isabella said, “No I was asleep when I fell. I simply woke up on the floor.” My sweet Isabella.

2. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

mimm - dancing in the rain sophai

3. I can’t believe we are already in August. How is it almost time to start again? Where did this summer go? We are definitely enjoying our last month in the pool and I love spending these days with my girls.

think - pool mckenzie mckayla think - pool mckayla 2 think - pool sophia isabella 2 think - pool sophia isabella think - pool mckayla think - pool girls

4. Tonight, Isabella says, “Mommy I’m not going to grow up because I don’t want to make you cry”. The Sophia said, “I will stop growing once I hit 5th grade, because I want to see what it feel like to ride in the back of the bus. But, I won’t grow big enough to move out because I don’t want to make you sad.” Awe, my girls really do love their Mama.

5. Tomorrow night the girls are spending the night at Mimi and Papa’s house so Steve and I can go our friends wedding; I love date nights!!

6. We have a fun weekend plan; I can’t wait!! It all begins Friday night with a wedding, followed by a day on the boat, then ends with a birthday party. Love these weekends. Yes, I love our relaxing weekends at home, but sometimes these are the best!!

{I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

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  1. What are you thinking about these days?

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