MIMM # 117

MIMM # 117

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} I feel as though I have so much to share with all of you. We had such a wonderful Thursday so our weekend felt as though it started early. 🙂 Thursday began at the mall with my favorite girls and Mimi too!! A balloon flew high into the air, McKenzie said, “uh oh, Daddy get”. My sweet McKenzie. A visit to the mall is never complete without a ride on the carousel. McKenzie and McKayla are becoming quite the shoppers. They love walking through the mall hand in hand, stopping to window shop,...

WIAW # 110 – A Day in the Life

WIAW # 110 – A Day in the Life

Summer Edition…. 4:55am – McKayla wakes up for who knows what reason, I give her back her paci, then decide to just get up for the day (my alarm was set to go off at 5am anyway). 5:05am – Get downstairs and begin my workout. I started following the bodyrock.tv 30 Day Real Time Challenge about a week and a half ago, today I did Day 10. This was a nice short 30 minute workout. Most of the workouts are about an hour (a little longer then I like, but they have been kicking my booty and I love that)....

MIMM # 116

MIMM # 116

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My  Monday} Hello, hello What a beautiful family weekend we had. Our family of six can be a bit mush at times, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our weekend came a day early and we loved every minute of it. It all began Friday morning at the park with our friends. We couldn’t have asked for a better day. Saturday morning started with breakfast out and toy “hunting” (as Sophia and Isabella called it). The girls had gift cards from their birthdays, so we decided to take them to Toys R Us and...

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