MIMM # 118

MIMM # 118

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} Have I told you how happy I am that Steve and I organized our house a few weekends ago? Life has been so much more relaxed. Our house is much easier to keep clean now that we don’t have as much stuff and everything we do have has a place. So, this past weekend we didn’t have any major cleaning to do and it felt marvelous. Our weekend was nice and relaxing. I love our family time. Friday night Sophia and Isabella had a sleepover at Gram and Grandpa’s house (Steve’s mom and...

Weekly Workouts + Meals

Good morning everyone. I have been getting a ton of messages and emails lately asking about my workouts these days. So, I thought I would follow Ashley’s lead and start sharing them on Mondays. Now, I can’t promise this will happen every Monday, but I will definitely try my best. Workouts From Last Week Monday  8-24-15: Bodyrock 30 Day Real Time Challenge Day 16 Tuesday  8-25-15: Bockrock 30 Day Real Time Challenge Day 17 Wednesday 8-26-15: Bodyrock 30 Day Real Time Challenge Day 18 Thursday 8-27-15: P90X Kenpo (The 30 day challenge says to run for 40 minutes, but I just can’t...

Thinking Out Loud # 67 – So Much to Talk About

Thinking Out Loud # 67 – So Much to Talk About

1. Some of McKenzie’s new sayings: “bad sissy” – I always feel bad when she says it to McKayla, but usually she is right. I can’t figure out where she heard this; my guess is her big sisters. “away sissy” (meaning go away) 2. and McKayla’s: “alright” “okay” “no, no, no” (while shaking her head; it’s hilarious) – I wonder who says that to her?! 3. McKenzie and McKayla are learning new words every second of every day. They are like parrots. 4. I have been a blubbering mess lately. I seriously can’t stop crying every time I think about my girls going...

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