MIMM # 117

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MIMM # 117

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}

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I feel as though I have so much to share with all of you. We had such a wonderful Thursday so our weekend felt as though it started early. 🙂

Thursday began at the mall with my favorite girls and Mimi too!!

mimm - mall girls holding hands mimm - mall sophia mimm - mall mckenzie mimm - mall mckayla mimm - mall mckenzie sophia mimm - mall girls corn mimm - mall sophia corn mimm - mall isabella mimm - mall sophia isabella mimm - mall mckayla ladybug

A balloon flew high into the air, McKenzie said, “uh oh, Daddy get”. My sweet McKenzie.

mimm - mall balloon

A visit to the mall is never complete without a ride on the carousel.

mimm - mall carousel mckayla isabella

McKenzie and McKayla are becoming quite the shoppers. They love walking through the mall hand in hand, stopping to window shop, and pick out some sunglasses. These two are too cute!!

mimm - mall mckenzie mckayla walking mimm - mall mckenzie mckayla walking 2 mimm - mall mckenzie mckayla walking 3 mimm - mall mckenzie mckayla walking 4

Friday night was date night with my hubby, then we spent the weekend cleaning and organizing our home (I didn’t leave our house from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. Wow!). We have seriously not been able to through anything in 3 years; since I became pregnant with McKenzie and Mckayla, November 2012).

Oh and I am loving my new bracelets from The Stacked Collection. I will go into more details later this week.

friday favorites - red lips mama 5

My new favorite lip color is red. Sophia says I don’t look like her mommy, but she likes it. Ha!! I normally wear a nude or peachy lip color, so this is quite extreme to my girls. 🙂

While Steve and I were busy cleaning, the girls had a blast with Mimi and Papa.

mimm - mimis house girls mimm - mimis house mckayla mimm - mimis house sophia mckenzie mimm - mimis house isabella mckayla mimm - mimi house sophia mckayla mimm - mimi house girls laughing

Wow, this weekend was quite the whirlwind, but boy am I glad we took the time to get our lives back in order. It feels great to be able to start the school year all organized and ready to do. But I must say I am already starting to get sad about Sophia being gone FIVE days a week and Isabella TWO!! Oh, how I am going to miss my girls, my helpers.

Monday, posts are some of my favorite. I love looking back at all the marvelous people, places, and things in my life. I love focusing on happiness!!

One thing I haven’t talked about lately, but will get more into this week are my workouts and nutrition. I am have been working out hard and eating clean about 80% of the time, yet I am just not able to take my body to the next step, to where I want it to be. So, I am going to step back and reassess things. We will chat about this later. Have a great night talk to you soon.

In the Comments Below:

  1. I’d love to hear all about your weekend.
  2. What are your thoughts on a bold lip color.

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