December Commit to Move Challenge – 2020

December Commit to Move Challenge – 2020

December is a busy month for many of us. Unfortunately, this is the time we tend to put our health and fitness on the back burner. This year let’s try something a little different. Make a promise to put yourself first. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Remember your health is your number one gift to those you love. This month make the commitment to average 10,000 steps per day. Trust me this is easier than you may think. The Importance of NEAT When life gets busy, focus in on NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). NEAT is the energy we...

Holiday Survival Guide | Staying Healthy All Year Long

Holiday Survival Guide | Staying Healthy All Year Long

Before I get into this post, I wanted to I wanted to take a moment, to let you know, to me, this is not about weight loss, this is about feeling your best even throughout a season filled with lots of treats and indulging. You can feel your best all year long. Feeling great throughout a season that can cause us to loose sight of our healthy lifestyle is possible. For many years, this time of the year caused me to have a lot of stress and anxiety over trying to stick to my “diet”. I was always trying to...

Halloween 2020

Halloween 2020

This year Halloween looked a little bit different, not bad, just different. Remember, don’t fear change, different isn’t always scary, sometimes its magical. Halloween was much quieter than in the past, but in some ways it was just what we needed. Holidays are not easy after losing a loved one and this one was no exception. Gram (Steve’s mom) loved holidays and she certainly loved spending them with her grandchildren. We carved pumpkins, watched football, spent some time with two of their grandpas and enjoyed an evening with friends. It really was a wonderful day. Before I get into details...

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