A Much Needed Rest Week

A Much Needed Rest Week

Yes, you read that right, I took last week off of exercising; the ENTIRE week (well at least form exercise, we were so busy that I still hit at 12,000 steps each day).  My body, mind and everything in between needed it. I made this decision for a couple of reasons one being my body was beat (my workouts were killing me and I wasn’t feeling great from them), I knew I was pushing it too hard for too long with no rest. My second reason was it was rehearsal/recital week for my girls’ dance studio and this week is...

Baked Zucchini Chips

Baked Zucchini Chips

I am on a major veggie kick right now and it’s not ending any time soon. Actually, I don’t see it ever ending. Once you figure out your favorite way to prepare veggies it’s incredibly easy to fall in love. I crave veggies. Yes, you read that right I CRAVE them. Healthy eating can be delicious. When you fall in love with eating healthy your body will thank you. Trust me I won’t eat something simply because it’s healthy, my food MUST taste good too. Ingredients: Zucchini Salt cooking oil spray (My favorite has been avocado oil spray from Costco)...

Mother’s Day 2017

Mother’s Day 2017

First of all I want to say Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful moms. I hope all of you had a fantastic day with your families. My girls and hubby certainly know how to spoil me; they gave me the absolute most perfect day. It all began with a quiet shower alone (anyone who has children knows how amazing this is); Steve took all the girls to get donuts. Of course, they had some gifts for me and I loved them very much. My favorite ones are always the ones they made themselves. This Mother’s Day I felt so loved by...

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