MIMM # 122

MIMM # 122

Friday night started off with a much needs girls dinner. I truly enjoy and cherish all my neighbors and friends. 🙂 Saturday morning I got up and completed the 21 Day Fix Extreme Dirty 30 workout; this is definitely one of my favorites. We then joined Mimi, Auntie Ade, and Uncle Scotty for a 5K run/walk to support breast cancer. I was a little leery at first, but it couldn’t have gone better. McKenzie and McKayla enjoyed riding in their stroller, Sophia walked/ran like a champ and Isabella mostly relaxed in her stroller (she walked a little, but not much). The...

Thinking Out Loud # 71

Thinking Out Loud # 71

Today, McKenzie and McKayla had another ear tube surgery (McKayla’s 3rd and McKenzie’s 2nd). They did AMAZING!! But, one thing I can say is that I cannot imagine how parents hold it all together when their children need a major surgery. I just can’t fathom that and I feel for each and every one of you. The surgery was a success and went very well. They were on perfect behavior. McKayla went first. While McKenzie was waiting to go she never stopped asking for her sissy. At one point she wanted to go find her. While in the recovery room our girls...

WIAW # 112 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

WIAW # 112 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

Week 2 of 21 Day Fix Extreme and I am still in love. To make this plan a little more of a life style I am making sure to be extremely strict on countdown to competition days, but let myself become a little relaxed on regular fix days. I may add in a starch that is not on the list, but of course I still make sure to measure it out and I stick to my 3 yellows. My Containers: 4 greens (veggies), 3 purples (fruit), 4 reds (protein), 3 yellows (starches), 1 blue, 1 orange, 4 teaspoons (nut butters, oils) Breakfast: After Upper Body Fix...

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