MIMM # 121

MIMM # 121

I am in love with our family of six. We are finally at a place where life outside of the house is wonderful. We truly enjoyed our family weekend. Saturday football with kite flying and Sunday was spent at the Taste of Clarkston. I truly love that our outings with our girls are so much fun. My girls are such good girls. This little one kept trying to sneak away, but Mama and Daddy are too good and kept catching her. Our sneaky little girl whom I adore. These two are something else. They both ate ice cream and one had it...

Thinking Out Loud # 70 – A Day Late

Thinking Out Loud # 70 – A Day Late

I’m sorry I am writing this and posting it on Friday, but yesterday was just such a busy day. It all began with my driving Sophia to school and staying to help in her classroom; which I LOVED. I simply love being there with her. After leaving her school I ran to the grocery store before heading home. Last night we had curriculum night at Sophia’s school. We went to hear all about what to expect during this year and it sounds wonderful. The only thing I am not sure about is the fact that they are not using any A,B,C.....

WIAW # 111 – 21 Day Fix Countdown to Competition

WIAW # 111 – 21 Day Fix Countdown to Competition

I started the 21 Day Fix Extreme workout and nutrition plan on Monday. I decided to kick it off with a bang; for the first two days I followed the Countdown to Competition program. Which means I cut my starches and upped my protein. I follow the 1500-1800 calorie plan so I ate: 4 green containers (veggies) 7 red containers (protein) 1 yellow container (starches) 1 blue 1 orange 2 tsps. (nut butters and oils) The blue and orange containers are not on the countdown to competition plan, but I just can’t eat my salad without nuts and dressing. So, I...

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