First 12 Weeks of BBG in the Books…

First 12 Weeks of BBG in the Books…

I thought I would take a break from all my Christmas posts, but don’t worry I will get back to it in the next few days. Seriously, Kayla Itsine’s BBG program is no joke, but I LOVE it!! Yes, her workouts are intense, but they are over in less then 30 minutes and they hurt so good. I looked forward to waking up and working out. I have seen so many wonderful changes in my body and overall life I am not even sure where to start. I must say the first leg day was brutal. I felt sick, but...

The Calm Before the Storm 2016….

For the last 11 years or so we have gone to dinner on December 23rd at PF Changs with Mimi, Papa, Auntie Ade, and Uncle Scotty (Uncle Fran, Aunt Sarah, and Baby Maizy when they are in town) and this tradition isn’t changing anytime soon. It really is one of our favorite evenings of the the season. Selfie with Auntie Ade I can’t believe how much has changed throughout the years. It all began just the five of us and now our family has more then doubled in size. It is truly a beautiful thing. Pf Changs 2015, PF Changs 2014  

It’s Been Way Too Long….

It’s Been Way Too Long….

Hello, Hello… I can’t believe how long it has been since we’ve chatted. Seriously, these last few weeks have left me with absolutely no energy to write, but I’m back and can’t wait to fill you on life these past couple of weeks. They’ve been busy, but oh so fun. I truly love spending time with my girls. Our week leading up to Christmas consisted of sick girls, dance, gymnastics and school parties. All while this Mama tried to get us ready for Christmas. Isabella, McKayla, and McKenzie participated in a Christmas dance show and it was adorable. McKayla and...

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