MIMM # 160

MIMM # 160

Wow, it’s been such a long time since I have done a Marvelous in My Monday post, but hopefully this is the first of many. I can’t believe we are already at the end of January. Where has this month gone?! I can’t say I’m upset, I am already ready for summer. I just don’t like being cold and these days I can’t seem to get warm. Those of you that know me, know I LOVE chocolate chip cookies. Ok and brownies, really anything chocolate. I love trying out new cookie recipes and this past week we did just that....

Starting 2017 with Snow Days, Movies, and More

Starting 2017 with Snow Days, Movies, and More

So far this year my girls have been home with me more then they have been at school. A part of me has loved every minute of it and a part of me knows they need to get back to their routine and FAST!! I know once we do get back into the swing of school everyday poor Isabella is going to have a rude awakening. She has been have a difficult time these past couple of weeks. She cries for me each day and it breaks my heart. In the last couple of weeks we have had so many...

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

better late then never… Christmas was amazing. It really couldn’t have been better. We woke up Christmas Eve and enjoyed a nice quiet morning just us. It was the perfect beginning to the holiday. We ended the our day with mass and letters to Santa. Christmas day was busy, but the best kind of busy and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We woke up Christmas morning to see that Santa had come; excitement was in the air. After playing with some of our new toys, crafts, etc. we headed to Gram and Grandpa’s for a delicious breakfast, family time and more...

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