Think Back Thursday – Decorations

Think Back Thursday – Decorations

I can’t believe it is already Thursday again. Seriously, I don’t know where our weeks go. Today’s Think Back Thursday theme is decorations. So, I thought I would share some pictures of past Christmas decorations from our home. Christmas – 2009 Our first Christmas as a family. We hung our stockings on the banister, since we did not have a fire place at our condo. Christmas 2010 We moved right before Christmas this year so I am sad to say I don’t have any pictures of our decorations from this year. But I thought this picture of Sophia would make...

Today’s Workout – Cardio

I finally got to sleep-in untill 7 am today. 🙂 So, the girls and I are going to the gym and then swinging over to Target today. Since they are so close to each other we usually try to do them together. I have a few gifts to get from Target and I am almost done with my shopping. 🙂 Today, I am going to take the kickboxing class at the gym. If you want to do a kickboxing/cardio workout out home I have a few options for you. Click on the links below. Intense Cardio at Home – 67 minutes...

December Challenge Check-In

This morning when I did my reps for the December challenge I couldn’t remember if I did my reps yesterday. I think I did them before getting ready for the party. I know I didn’t log them. So, today I decided to do two sets. I did one this morning and one this afternoon. Between the two sets I did 60 jumping jacks, 40 narrow squats, 40 regular squats, and 40 push-ups for a 12 day total of 970 reps. Only 1,042 reps to go!!! Remember there is still plenty of time to join, click here for more details.

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