Today’s Workout – Total Body Strength Training

Good morning everyone. Much to my dismay I woke up early to workout. I really did not feel like getting out of bed this morning. But I got out of bed and got moving. I felt great as soon as I began and even better once I was done. Today, I did a full body strength training workout. Here is what I did: Total Body Strength Training at Home: Burn Fat Fast Tabata: Bexlife – 4 minutes (warm up) The Butt Bible Lower Body: Level 2 – 30 minutes (I used 10 lb weights) *Upper Back, Arms, Chest Workout – 20 minutes...

What I Ate Wednesday #6 – White Chocolate Candy Mix

What I Ate Wednesday #6 – White Chocolate Candy Mix

Breakfast – 7:30 Greek Yogurt Waffles – My favorite, these are so good and since they are full of protein they really help me feel satisfied. Snack – 9:30 Lunch – 12:00 Leftover pizza. We went Christmas shopping all day and decided to order pizza. I know not the healthiest, but I truly believe everything in moderation. Snack – 3:00 I may or may not have eaten this all day long. White Chocolate Candy Mix – There are so many different names and recipes for this treat, but this is the one I have been making for years. Beware, it is truly...

Ten Things Toddlers/Preschoolers Want For Christmas

Since, we are getting close to Christmas, I have been putting together lists of what the girls want so I can tell grandparents, aunts, and uncles. So, I thought I would share ten things for our list. Ten Things Toddlers/Preschoolers Want For Christmas – Girls 1. Bitty Baby – We always get the American Girl Catalog and Sophia saw it one day and started flipping through it and fell in love with the bitty babies. So we had her circle want she wanted. She of course wanted a doll and all the accessories. If you have a girl that is preschool age...

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