Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

I know I am way late on Christmas details, but here some highlights from our family filled Christmas. Our Christmas began on December 23rd with dinner with my family at PF Changs. It is a tradition. We love this calm dinner before all the craziness begins. Then on Christmas Eve morning we went to Steve’s dad’s house for breakfast. We enjoy a few hours with his dad and step-mom. It was a nice relaxing start to the day. We make sure to leave their house in time for naps. We know how busy the days are and we want to...

Highlights of our Vacation

Highlights of our Vacation

I thought today would be a great day to share some highlights of our trip. We left on Thursday December 27th and let me tell you it is not easy leaving two days after Christmas. I really had no time to get my house together after all the festivities. So, low and behold we had to leave for the trip with a messy house. 🙁 The plane ride to Florida was fantastic. We took off at noon which means Isabella slept for half the flight and then woke up and simply wanted to snuggle and eat. It was pure bliss....

Happy New Year – 2013

Happy New Year! I know I am a few days late but we were enjoying some family time in Florida. I will have some fun pictures to share with you as the days proceed. I also have some really great toys that helped us have peaceful plane rides. 🙂 Goals for 2013 – Organize – I really want to get my house organized, I want a place for everything. So I am going to pick room each month and get that room put together. – Drink more water. I know this was a goal from December and I did alright. But...

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