Relaxing Friday and Thank you Cards

I can’t believe it is Friday already. We have been home bound this week. The girls are finally at the end of their cold, but I am still fighting something. This is the worst I have felt in a long time and let me tell you it is quite difficult getting my house back in order from the trip. Today, the girls and I are going to write thank you cards to Santa, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We really try to teach our girls that Christmas is about a lot more then just the presents. We want them to know it is...

What I Ate Wednesday #8 – Chocolate Chip Cookies

What I Ate Wednesday #8 – Chocolate Chip Cookies

I haven’t done a what I ate post in a few weeks. We were so busy during the holidays and add in a week to Florida, time just got away. It feels good to be back. Breakfast – 7:30 Yogurt Waffle – Always a favorite Snack – 10:30 Lunch – 12:30 Baked Chicken and Veggies – I made a quick single batch for lunch. Snack – 3:30 We have all been fighting this awful cold and we have been cooped up in the house for days. So, I thought it would be fun to make some chocolate chip cookies. This...

Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oh my, I can’t believe we are still fighting this cold. My girls seem to be almost rid of it, thank God. They have been on antibiotic since Friday. But, I just can’t seem to beat it. So, we have been taking it very easy for the past few days. Since, we were all feeling pretty crumby I decided to make one of our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipes. It is easy and very yummy. I have seen this recipe on so many different blogs I am not sure exactly where it originated. But one blog credits the cook book...

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