WIAW # 73 – A Little Off

WIAW # 73 – A Little Off

Good evening everyone. I can’t believe we are already in the middle of May. It is crazy how fast everything is going. I am so ready for our pool to open; we are counting down the days. Now I just have to hope and pray McKenzie and McKayla like the water as much as the rest of us. Since, it is Wednesday it is time for another What I Ate Wednesday. As, you know I try to be as open as possible. I wanted to talk to you about how off my eating has been this past week. I have...

Toddler Tuesday – Behavior Charts

Toddler Tuesday – Behavior Charts

Good evening everyone. I hope your week is going well. Ours is off to a rough start. I had to take McKayla back to the doctors today and sure enough she had another ear infection. Yes, this is her fourth. I am beside myself. I can’t even tell you how rough it has been lately. Having two sick babies is no easy task and they have been sick all winter long. I am one exhausted Mama. As you know I don’t like to complain, but I also want to be honest with you so I am going to take a minute...

MIMM # 53 – Mother’s Day 2014

MIMM # 53 – Mother’s Day 2014

Happy Mother’s Day to all of my Moms out there. I hope home all of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, we deserve it!! Our weather here was absolutely beautiful; I couldn’t have asked for a better day. I can’t believe last year we only had two little girls and this year I celebrated Mother’s day with my four little girls. What a difference a year makes. Our day begin with breakfast at my parents house. My mom made one of my favorites, baked French toast and a delicious egg casserole. After breakfast we hung out while Sophia and Isabella played. They...

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