WIAW # 75 – Healthy Eating Goals

WIAW # 75 – Healthy Eating Goals

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful week. It is almost the weekend and that means the pool is almost open!! We cannot wait. Since it’s Wednesday I will fill you in on how my eating has been going. I told you last week I had been a little off, but I have set some goals and they seem to be working. I have been measuring everything (no eating out of a bag, box, etc.), drinking lots of water, and making sure my snacks are healthy. One thing I have learned is to think of my snacks as tiny meals...

MIMM # 54

MIMM # 54

Good evening everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day; we sure did over here. The weather was beautiful, the girls were happy, and life was good. We had a nice and relaxing weekend. I don’t have too many pictures since we seriously didn’t do much and I loved every minute of it. I was actually able to clean my house; which felt wonderful. Our girls were happy and that is all I need. Since, it is Monday it is time for another Marvelous in My Monday. Marvelous is… my mom, who is spending the night with us for a couple...

McKenzie and McKayla – 10 Months

McKenzie and McKayla – 10 Months

We had another successful day at the gym. I am really starting to love our gym routine and it’s not overly difficult. Everyone who sees me thinks I am nuts, but truly it’s simply my life and I love it. Of course, I have my moments but when I sit back and look at my four daughters I love everything about my girls. They are my life and I can’t imagine it any other way. This picture pretty much describes our month. Our poor babies were so sick. You can see the sickness in little Mckayla’s eyes. We have made...

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