MIMM # 53 – Mother’s Day 2014

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MIMM # 53 – Mother’s Day 2014

Happy Mother’s Day to all of my Moms out there. I hope home all of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, we deserve it!! Our weather here was absolutely beautiful; I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

I can’t believe last year we only had two little girls and this year I celebrated Mother’s day with my four little girls. What a difference a year makes.

Our day begin with breakfast at my parents house. My mom made one of my favorites, baked French toast and a delicious egg casserole. After breakfast we hung out while Sophia and Isabella played. They loved every minute of it and can’t wait to go back. The girls are just starting to love going in their lower level to play; they seriously would have spent hours playing just the two of them. I love that they are getting to an age where life is getting a little less complicated; at least with those two. 🙂

mimm - sophia bella mimm - sophia bella hug mimm - sophia bella hug 2 mimm - sophia bella backs hug mimm sophia bella holding hands mimm sophia bella dance mimm - sophia bella holding hands mimm - sophia bella hug laugh mimm - me and my big girls

My girls. Wow, getting a picture of the five of us is so complicated.

Okay, I have to explain this picture; it’s just too cute. Mimi told Isabella to hug her sissy, so Isabella went over and hugged Sophia. Seriously, Sophia is sissy to Isabella. I love it!!

mimm - me and my girls bella hugging sissy mimm - me and my girls mimm - me and twins

They love their Gigi (my grandma).

mimm - gigi bella

Our Mimi, we don’t know what we would do without her. Thank you for all you do for us. We love you very much!!!

mimm - mimi and girls mimm - mimi and twins

I love this picture of Isabella. So sweet.

mimm - bella beautiful

We then headed over to my mother-in-law’s house to spend a couple hours with her and Nana. It was a wonderful time. We truly enjoyed simply relaxing and catching up while the girls played. They love going to Gram and Grandpa’s house.

mimm - mckenzie playing mimm isabella mckayla playing

mimm - mckenzie standing

After our two visits we came home for nap time and since it was Mother’s day I got to nap too. It was a wonderful feeling. 🙂

Once everyone woke up from their naps we walked to the playground.

mimm - bella sophia playground mimm - sophia bella playground mimm - sophia monkey bars

Oh what a wonderful day!! Perfection.

Being a mom to these four wonderful girls is nothing short of a miracle. Yes, it is tough, but I know I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love me girls through and through. They are my greatest gift!!

MiMM - logo

Thanks Katie for hosting. I love marvelous Mondays.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me all about your weekend.
  2. What is your perfect day?

2 comments on “MIMM # 53 – Mother’s Day 2014

  1. Awww, love all those photos and their matching dresses! Nice that you have both sides of the families close!

    • Thank you. I love dressing my girls in matching outfits; I know someday they will not let me. It is wonderful to be near everyone!!


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