Friday Favorites # 7 – Fitness

Happy Friday everyone. Wow, I haven’t written a Friday post in awhile; life has just been so crazy. I am actually starting this post during naptime; which is unheard of, but of course there is no way I will be able to finish it. I have been getting a ton of emails and messages asking about what my fitness routine is these days. I have been doing the same sort of thing for the past several months; I look forward to my workout every morning. Well, okay a little has changed I have eased up on myself a bit. We...

Thinking Out Loud # 38

Thinking Out Loud # 38

1. I finally went to the doctor today. I decided it has been 2 weeks since I initially got sick and I just need to get over whatever it is I have. Come to find out I have a sinus infection. Ugh!! But, I guess the good news is I am now taking prescription medication. So, hopefully I will be feeling better in no time. I am just so tired of not feeling well. I am ready to have a wonderful Christmas with my family; germ free! 2. Today was Sophia’s school holiday party and we had a wonderful afternoon together. I...

WIAW # 92 – White Chocolate Candy Mix

WIAW # 92 – White Chocolate Candy Mix

Good evening everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful week thus far. I can’t believe Sophia only has two more days of school before she is off for two weeks. Wow!! I am so excited to have her home and not have a schedule to follow. I am tired of having to be at the bus at 8:14am and 4:04pm. Not only is Sophia going to be home with us so is Daddy. Whoo hoo!! We are going to have some wonderful family time. I love being with my family. Our family of girls plus Daddy. Since, it’s Wednesday it’s time to...

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