Friday Favorites # 10

Friday Favorites # 10

I haven’t done a Friday Favorite’s in a while so I thought it was time to join Heather in this fun link-up party. (Yes, it’s a day late and I’m sorry.) 21 Day Fix Extreme Nutrition Plan Yes, I love the workouts too, but I just can’t believe how much my diet has changed since I started following the 21 Day Fix plan. I feel so much better and I don’t even think about snacking on junk. Currently I am following the meal plan exactly Monday through Friday and easing up a little on the weekends. Now when I say easing...

Thinking Out Loud # 49

Thinking Out Loud # 49

{Linking up for Thinking Out Loud} 1. Today was Steve’s birthday and I can’t even begin to tell you how much we appreciate this man. He truly is an amazing father and husband. We are blessed to have him in our lives. Thank you hubby for all you do for all your girls. We love you. 2. How do you keep 2 little ones entertained at a restaurant? Give them chips. The other night we went to On the Border for a school fundraiser. McKayla couldn’t get enough of the camera. Every time I took a picture of someone else...

One Sad Mama – Isabella and Preschool

When Sophia went to school for the first time I was sad because she was my oldest, my first child who was going to be away from for a period of time. With Isabella starting preschool in the fall I am sad for different reasons. Yes, I am so sad to not be with her all the time. I am sad because I have to share her with other people (apart of me is thrilled to share my Isabella with the world; she is amazing, one in a million). I am also sad because I am sending my sweet little Isabella...

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