Category: <span>Fitness</span>

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December Commit to Move – Week 1

December Commit to Move – Week 1

Here we are one week into December and one week into our challenge. How have you been doing with moving throughout this week? Take a few minutes, check in and see if you need to add steps into your day. This gives you a chance to assess your lifestyle. Remember the challenge spans over the...

December Commit to Move

December Commit to Move

December is a busy month for many of us. Unfortunately, this is the time we tend to put our exercise and health on the back burner. This year let’s try something a little different. Make the promise to put yourself first. Remember your health is your number one gift to those you love. This month...


BBG + Blogliates

Hello, Hello… I completed another 12 weeks of Bikini Body Guide or better known as BBG, but this time I put my own little twist on it. Workouts are not a one size fits all; find what works for you. Consistency is key to success. I followed the BBG guide each week, except I only...

Reverse Update – 18 Weeks

Reverse Update – 18 Weeks

Oh my goodness I can’t believe I have been reversing for 18 weeks and still going strong!! Seriously, when I began this journey 18 weeks ago I never thought I would make it past 12 weeks (the recommended minimum for reversing). Before finally making the switch to reverse I imagined I would gained 10 pounds...


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