What I Ate Wednesday # 22

What I Ate Wednesday # 22

Please continue praying for our world. The tragedy that took place in Boston is something that affects us all. I am beyond sad to hear of all the pain suffering taking place by innocent people. I have been holding my girls a little tighter.

Please hold your love ones and pray for peace everlasting.

Today, I decided to do something a little different. Instead, of labeling breakfast, lunch and dinner, I labeled today’s food by meals 1, 2, etc. As I was writing this post I realized I don’t simply eat 3 meals a day, I eat way more often. I have always eaten like this, it is nothing new. I love eating many little meals throughout the day, this way I don’t have to decide between my favorite foods. I can enjoy them all without feeling guilty. It works for me.

Meal # 1 – 7:30

Greek Yogurt Waffles (23 grams of protein)

Greek Yogurt Waffles

Snack 9:45

Since was dance day for Sophia, I grabbed a Luna bar on my way out the door. (9 grams of protein)

Luna Bar

Meal # 2 – 12:00

After we got home from dance I had some hummus, pita bread, turkey and cheese.

(25 grams of protein)

Pita bread with hummus


Treat 1:00

After dance today I just had to feel normal for a minute, so I took the girls to the grocery store. Of course, Steve didn’t think it was a good idea, but I just had to feel a sense that everything is okay. Anyway, while we were walking around I spotted yogurt covered pretzels, my favorite, so I just had to buy them. (2 grams of protein)

Snack 3:00


Meal # 3 – 3:30

Poached egg on an English muffin. Not a great picture, but it was delicious. (12 grams of protein)

Poached Eggs

Dinner – 6:00

As most of you know Nana makes us dinner once a week. Tonight’s dinner was Cashew Chicken and of course I added a side salad to get some greens in for the day.  (35 grams of protein)

Salad with walnuts, croutons, and a sprinkle of cheese.

Almond Chicken

*I received lots of requests for Nana’s recipes from last week. You can click on the links below:

Nana’s Cheesy Chicken Strips and Nana’s Cheesy Potatoes.

Total Protein – 106 grams

Total Water – 135 ounces

In the Comments Below:

  1. Do you like to eat a few larger meals or are you a smaller meal type of person?

18 comments on “What I Ate Wednesday # 22

  1. Fran@BCDC on said:

    The waffle sounds really good!

  2. Sandy on said:

    I like the idea of numbering meals instead of having to call them special names! 🙂

    • It is much easier because then you don’t have to feel guilty about not eating a good lunch. You can eat in what way works for you. 🙂

  3. Suzanne @ Mixing It Up on said:

    I prefer to eat three decent sized meals each day and throw in an afternoon snack if I need it. I know 6 small meals work for some but when I do that, I tend to overeat!!

    • I am a huge believer in everyone has to find what works for them and no two people are the same. And once you find your rhythm you will achieve better health. It is wonderful that you have found what works for you and what doesn’t. 🙂

  4. Kathy @ FoodWineThyme on said:

    I want the green yogurt waffles. 🙂 Going to make them this Sunday morning for my family.

  5. Sonja @ The {Happy} Travel Bug on said:

    I actually like larger meals. Some days I can get by with breakfast and then a really big meal around 2 in the afternoon. I feel like I am eating less that way. I’ve never tried that Luna bar, but it sounds yummy!

  6. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I’m with you on the smaller meals and more frequent. I’ve always eaten that way as well and feel strange if I don’t get in a few snacks for the day. I could actually snack all day but force myself to do a few main meals with small snacks as I know it’s better for my metabolism. The cashew chicken looks and sounds delicious! Lucky you!

  7. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on said:

    I’m definitely one to have several smaller meals every few hours. It keeps me satisfied, and plus, I just love to eat! 🙂 That dinner does look so good!

  8. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    That all looks so yummy! Love cashew chicken 🙂

  9. Lift, Sleep, Eat on said:

    It depends what mood im in whether i prefer larger/smaller meals plus how much time i have for that day..loving the look of your almond chicken! Drool!

    • I would definitely agree certain days do make for different types of eating. I know on the weekends, when Steve is home, my eating is definitely more meal like.

      I emailed Nana for the recipe so it is coming. 🙂

  10. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    I still need to make your Greek yogurt waffles! They always look SO good! I’m definitely a larger meal girl, eating three square meals and one small snack in the afternoon. It’s funny, I just can’t get into snacking every few hours.

  11. Eating 4 Balance on said:

    I eat way more than just the basic three meals a day too. Around 4 or 5, and they are all the same size. I like the idea of just numbering them 🙂

    That almond chicken looks fantastic. Nana certainly knows her way around the kitchen. I bet it’s wonderful to have her cook those weekly meals for you, but I bet at the same time I bet you’re itching to be able to do it all yourself again, am I right? 🙂

    • It was delicious. Nana is going to get me the recipe on Tuesday, when Steve picks up next weeks meal. I will post is ASAP!!

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